Carnival Cruise Ship Accident Attorney Update: Sixty passengers on Carnival Cruise Lines' Carnival Ecstasy were injured when the crusie ship listed at sea. - Amtrak Train Crash in Washington State

« Carnival Crusie Ship Accidnet Attorney Update: Sixty passengers on Carnival Cruise Lines' Carnival Ecstasy were injured when the crusie ship listed at sea. | Main | New York Staten Island Ferry Crashes Into Pier, 36 Injured »

April 22, 2010


Cruise Lines have been able to avoid liability for accidents by restricting the location and time for your access to court. Cruise line tickets contain language that require you to present your claim to the cruise line (called a presentment requirement), usually within SIX MONTHS. You must bring your claim within a certain amount of time (called a statute of limitations), and bring your case in a certain jurisdiction (called a venue restriction).

There has been an increase in the number of people, families and groups that have embraced carnival ship cruises as a way of spending vacation time with the people they love and care about while enjoying themselves.

For any people planning to go for a cruise vacation, there a very many considerations that they need to take into account when choosing which cruise to book for their vacation. To make this vacation happy and successfull choosing the best cruise company is very important. One should choose a company that offers cruise vacations that their cost is reflective of the services they offer. The best companies to choose are those with well known reputations in the cruise business and those that are known to provide quick and effective emergency services to their cruise ships in case of any emergency situations.

I, also, was on the Ecstacy. I was in my stateroom on the Riveria deck. When the ship began to list, I looked out our window and saw the wake where the ship was turning sharply. In the middle of the wake's turn, I did see a bouy in the water. I couldn't see it very well, but I could see something sticking out of the water. Because there was not really anything to gauge the size by, I couldn' tell you how large it was. When I immediately went out of my stateroom and spoke to other passengers, I told them that I had seen something that we appeared to be avoiding. This was before I heard the official announcement by the captain.

It was on the final leg of a five-day cruise that left Galveston, Texas, on Saturday, April 17, with stops in Cozumel and Progreso, Mexico.

De la Cruz said the ship docked in Galveston as scheduled Thursday morning.

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