Why No Seat Belts? The Passengers Ejected From The California Tour Bus Had Little Chance at Survival - Amtrak Train Crash in Washington State

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February 01, 2009


In 2007, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration fined DW Tours $1,200 for two counts of using a driver before receiving pre-employment screening results, and $940 for one count of failing to implement a random drug and/or alcohol testing program.

Driver error is now the focus of the investigation as the cause of Friday's deadly tour bus crash. Sources say the door on the bus opened as the group was driving north on US-93. When the driver, 48-year-old Han Dong, tried to close the door, he lost control of the bus and crashed. Reports also state that there were no seat belts available for passengers on the bus, only one for the driver.

The accident ofrom a Taiwanese-run local travel agency carrying the 15 Chinese tourists and a guide to the Grand Canyon from Las Vegas, Nevada rolled over after swerving.

The group from Shanghai was reported to have been organized by Shanghai-based Donghu International Travel Service for separate customers

I heard the bus accident involving Chinese Nationals was being run by a Chinese Tour Company doing business in the USA. Any info appreciated.

I saw an interview on CCTV4 with a man who rode inside the bus. He suffered only minor scraches. He said that he was the only passenger not dozing off. When he saw the bus move in a S-shape, he realized that the driver probably was dozing off. After that, everyone except him was thrown out of the bus. (My guess is that he either had seat belt on or more likely grabbed something.)

The interview was aired on on Feb. 1, 2009.

This tragedy shows that safety belts could have saved many lives.

Another paper is reporting there were no seat belts on the bus.

Donghu didn't dispatch a team leader but handed the group to DW Tours from south California.

Agnes Wang from Taiwan has run the California-based travel agency for about three years, according to New York-based World Journal.

"There were no seat belts on the bus, Shanghai Morning Post reported today. Some passengers were thrown out of the bus when it suddenly deviated from its lane and rolled over."

Officials said the six people who died at the scene had been ejected from the bus. Arizona Highway Patrol Sgt. Tom Eaves told the newspaper there were seat belts on the bus, but it was unclear how many people were wearing them.

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