Welcome to Copyright Law Radio. My name is Attorney Enrico Schaefer. Today, we’re going to be talking about the Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation Act (OCILLA), which is a provision in the 1998 Digital Millennium Copyright Act, known as the DMCA, and how it affects OSP’s or online service providers, which includes ISP’s, web hosts, and the like. So, what are we talking about here today? We’re talking about claims of copyright infringement. If you are a copyright owner and you see that your copyright protected material has been posted on a third party website, you need to understand what legal options you may have, not only against the person infringing your copyright, but in order to have those materials removed from the website so that further dissemination of your copyright-protected work does not occur.
So, congress, back in 1998, anticipated the problem of copyright infringement on the internet and passed the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, the DMCA. Part of those provisions in the DMCA included the Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation Act (OCILLA), which is essentially the safe harbor provision for OSP’s. OSP’s are third party publisher of potentially copyright protected works and how those works get taken down off the internet is the subject of today’s show.
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