With the advent of Social Media, employers must be more vigilant in protecting their intellectual property. Social media policy should define the uses of a trademark within social media outlets to ensure that the trademark does not become generic through use. Damien Allen and John Di Giacomo discuss the need for solid Social Media Policies within the workplace on today's program.
- A social media policy is a policy that’s implemented by an employer that provides the employees with guidelines and any best practices for representing an employer on a social media networks.
- Protecting your intellectual property.
- Understanding your media presence and the internet space. What is and is not acceptable.
- Balancing transparency of your business and your instant connection with your audience with the idea of brand control and brand identity.
Announcer: Welcome to Internet Law Radio brought to you by Traverse Internet Law, attorneys specializing in internet law and all legal issues within cyberspace. Now here’s your host, Damien Allen.
Damien Allen: Good morning and welcome to Internet Law Radio. My name is Damien Allen, and joining me today on the phone is John Di Giacomo an attorney with Traverse Legal, PLC. Good morning John and welcome to the program.
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