Radjet - "...we’ve found we’ve been able to get to a contract that we can actually sign and be happy that we signed. And not spend an excessive amount of money to get there..." | |
Chuck Brunet |
"...Whenever we have something that comes up...we want Traverse Legal’s help..." |
"…We’ve worked with lots of different law firms over the last 25 years I’ve been in business and we’ve found it’s very aggravating to get a bill at the end of the month because you called your lawyer and talked to him for five minutes...None of that ever happens with Traverse Legal...." | |
"…We’re very happy with their services and feel like it’s money well spent...It’s always a really very fair value..." |
ANNOUNCER: Today’s program is brought to you by Traverse Legal. A law firm specializing in internet law, domain disputes, and technology company representation. That’s Traverse Legal www.traverselegal.com. Welcome to the Vertio Talk Radio tech spotlight with your host Damien Allen.
DAMIEN ALLEN: Good morning and welcome to Traverse Legal Radio. Today on the phone with us we have Mr. Chuck Brunet. How you doing this morning Chuck?
CHUCK : Doing great. DAMIEN: So, what kind of business are you in? What companies do you own?
CHUCK: We’re in the oil and gas service business. We provide a service where we go in and recomplete oil and gas wells.
DAMIEN: And how long have you been using Traverse Legal?
CHUCK: We’ve been using Traverse Legal since 2001. So, eight years.
DAMIEN: What kind of matters have they handled for you?
CHUCK: Well they’ve handled a number of different matters for us. They’ve helped us with some litigation issues that we had. We had ownership of a company up in Traverse City and that resulted in some litigation that Traverse Legal looked after for us. In addition to that, they’ve helped us with contracts for Radjet (132) here in the states as well as the international operation we have. And also, they helped us with IT matters that is filing for patent and trademark protection both in the U.S. and internationally.
DAMIEN: So what would you say you liked working with them?
CHUCK: Well what I’ve found with Traverse Legal they do things a bit different. They tend to give you a deliverable and charge you amount of money for that deliverable not based on how many hours it takes them to do it, but based on providing what they promised to. That’s quite refreshing. We’ve worked with lots of different law firms over the last 25 years I’ve been in business and we’ve found it’s very aggravating to get a bill at the end of the month because you called your lawyer and talked to him for five minutes and you got billed for a quarter of an hour. None of that ever happens with Traverse Legal.
DAMIEN: Traverse Legal prides itself on being strategic and focusing on clients’ goals. Did those qualities show up in your projects?
CHUCK: Very much so. Whenever we have something that comes up that we want Traverse Legal’s help on, we layout for them what we are trying to achieve and invariably they come up with a scope of work and a cost of doing that scope of work. That’s quite refreshing from a clients’ perspective.
DAMIEN: What return on investment? Most of the money spent on lawyers is just money spent. Did you get good value out of the legal dollars expended with Traverse Legal?
CHUCK: We absolutely have. On the litigation they helped us with we came out much better than we anticipated. On the contracts we’ve worked with them on we’ve found we’ve been able to get to a contract that we can actually sign and be happy that we signed. And not spend an excessive amount of money to get there. It’s always a really very fair value with regard to the IT and trademarks they helped us with. Actually, they directed us to some associates they work with and have actually done the patent applications for us as well as filed for a protection in international locations for some of the patents we had already filed U.S. applications on. So they have kind of helped us across the board. We’re very happy with their services and feel like it’s money well spent.
DAMIEN: Thank you very much for sharing this information with us Chuck.
CHUCK: Ok, happy to do it.
DAMIEN: You’ve been listening to Traverse Legal Radio. We’ve been speaking with Chuck Burnet about Traverse Legal. This is Damien Allen. Have a great afternoon everybody.