Non-Compete Assessment For Employers: If you are an employer and are looking to draft, upgrade or enforce a non-compete agreement, aslo known as a non competition agreement, our attorneys can help you define a strategy which provides the greatest return on your legal dollars. Developing a non-compete agreement or non competition agreement is the easy part. Designing a strategy which enhances the likely enforecement of your agreement in court and protects your trade secrets should be your most important business goal. Especially in this difficult economic climate, the large number of employee layoffs and terminations make is cost prohibitive to drag every employee who violates their non-compete or discloses trade secrets into court. Wouldn't it be better to put a system in place which drastically improved employee compliance with their non-compete agreements? Our attorneys can help your company understand you to protect its assets - on a flat fee defined deliverable basis - in the following areas:
- Drafting or updating non-compete, trade secret and patent/invention agreements which will stand up in court.
- Developing a process and audit chain to ensure that each important employee has signed a non-compete contract and, as importantly, understands their non-compete obligaitons
- Designing and updating your trade secret and invention protection internal process.
- Enforceing your non-comepte agreements against employees by threat letter or litigation if ncessary.
- helping your company understand its options and providing attorney recommendations regarding risks and strategies.
As importantly, we can provide you the guidance and advice you need within a budget that works for you. Don't be penny wise and pound foolish. Contact a non-compete attorney today by calling 866.936.7447 (toll free) or sending us an email describing situation.
Attorney Mark Clark and the Traverse Legal team have included some resources below to help your company understand the intricacies of non-competition agreements and trade secret issues:
What is a Non-Compete, Non-Solicaiton and Trade Secret Agreement? A non-compete agreement is an agreement signed by an employee or contractor where he/she agrees that they will not engage in certain employment within a certain geographic area for a certain period of time after they quit or are fired. A non-solicitation contract is an agreement signed by an employee or contractor where he/she agrees that they will not contact and/or solicit an employer's customers and/or remaining employees for a certain period of time after they quit or are fired. Trade secrets are docuemtns and information owned by the company which provide competitive advantage.
This article will address non-compete, trade secret and non-solicitation agreements from the employers point of view.
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