Traverse Legal’s lawyers constantly monitor the latest information on the World Wide Web concerning non-compete issues. Here is this week's round-up:
IMB Sues Its Ex-Employee for Leaving for Apple
By masum
But the former International Business Machines Corp. executive mark papermaster claimed that his move to Apple inc. to oversee development of its iPod and iPhone devices doesn’t violate a non-compete agreement he signed at IBM. ...Papermaster Countersues To Escape IBM's Legal Hounds
But in a Thursday US District Court filing, Papermaster's lawyers argued that the scope of IBM's non-compete agreement is overly broad and that Apple and ...Non-Compete Agreements - Striking the Right Balance
By Iula
One of the trickier agreements that companies must deal with is the Non-Compete Agreement, simply because the document needs to strike the right balance between protection and freedom. The non-compete agreement is a written...
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