Our Service Pledge: We understand that the legal business is a service business built on meeting customer expectation and solving problems. To keep cases and legal solutions on track, we document legal goals and strategies from the outset, define phases of representation and set legal budgets which fit within our clients' means and expectations. We are not afraid to answer the tough questions and welcome client contact and participation as part of a true team effort. There is a reason why our clients come back. Customer service does make all the difference.
A great post on the PHOSITA Patent BLOG, talks about an "embedded firm." Although the discussion appears in a the context of a patent law firm, the principles apply equally to any firm working as outside cousnel to a company client. The principles are as follows:
-invests time and money in ensuring its attorneys learn the business plan and objectives of the client;
-unshackles from the billable hour requirement in order to encourage its attorneys to become trusted advisors to the client;
-advocates that its attorneys use the business knowledge gained as the starting point for all legal matters for the client;
-integrates its attorneys into the business systems and creative processes of the client;
-fosters in its attorneys a long-term outlook on any relationship with the client;
-seeks and hires passionate and creative individuals first, pedigrees second; and
-sees every client as a firm client, where everyone in the firm is interested in the clients’ business and personnel.
Posted by: Traverse City Lawyer | March 23, 2005 at 09:27 AM