What is the Trademark Clearinghouse?
The Trademark Clearinghouse is a way in which trademark owners can protect their marks with the upcoming introduction of new top level domain names. Trademark Clearinghouse is operated by Deloitte, and will allow trademark owners to, for a fee, submit information related to their trademark registration in an effort to protect their trademark in the ever growing domain name space. Put simply, the Trademark Clearinghouse is a central database of validated trademarks that will help defend the trademark owners against cyber squatting or other types of trademark infringement online. Trademark owners can proactively register their trademarks with the Trademark Clearinghouse in order to take advantage of several benefits. First, the sunrise period will give trademark owners the ability to register domain names that match their trademarks before the general public is able to register such domain names. Second, the 90 day trademark claims service will alert trademark owners anytime another individual or company attempts to register domain names that match their trademarks.
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