Trademark Attorney, Lawyer: Trademark Registration & Trademark Infringement: Should I Sue for Trademark Infringement? | Trademark Law Firm Tips

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Wednesday, 11 May 2011


Trademark Infringement is not an easy subject. The basics are important to understand if you are threatening trademark infringement or have received an infringement threat letter. If the infringement occurs on the internet, you might want to speak with an attorney who knows about internet law as well as trademark law.

You litigation budget for a trademark infringement lawsuit can be substantial. If you are going up against a well funded defendant, or are being sued by a well funded plaintiff, you should plan on several hundred thousand dollars to conclusion, if not more. Work with your trademark counsel to set a budget and set expectations.

There are many steps in the legal process before you sue for trademark infringement. Too many clients jump right into trademark litigation without fully analyzing their trademark infringement case. Being prepared is important. That means getting your ducks in a row before your trademark attorney files a lawsuit.

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