Trademark Protection: The Necessary Evil of Analytics : StraightUpSearch
At the start of the 3rd quarter, marketing plans and budgets will be made, debated and negotiated for 2009. Marketers, executives and business owners need to consider not only how marketing and advertising strategies from the past have performed but also what important elements are missing from your plan. One often overlooked item in online marketing plans is trademark monitoring services, as a part of your comprehensive analytics package.
Trademark monitoring is only part of the effort required to protect your brands in cyberspace. Further, monitoring uses of your trademark protected words in keyword advertising represents a small niche of potential infringing uses.
You need a qualified trademark attorney to analyze the results of the trademark monitoring effort. Only a qualified trademark attorney can offer competent legal advice about what uses of your trademark protected words may qualify of trademark infringement, send a trademark cease and desist letter where applicable and guide your company through the myriad of issues related to potential on-line trademark infringement. Contact a trademark attorney to learn more about on-line brand protection and trademark monitoring services.