Trademark Attorney, Lawyer: Trademark Registration & Trademark Infringement: Filing an Intent to Use Trademark Application with the USPTO

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Monday, 31 March 2008


If you have an idea for a brand but are not yet in business with the brand, you can file an intent to use trademark application. This reserves your spot in line at the USPTO. Once you start using the trade mark in commerce, you can file an statement of 'actual use' for an extra $100 fee. This will keep anyone from sneaking into the trademark registration and application process ahead of you. Great article on how to file a name as an intent to use trade mark.

An "intent to use" trademark should be filed and registered the moment you decide to use the brand, name, slogan, logo, design, catchphrase in your business. Don't wait to roll-out your web site or finish your logo design to file your registration.

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