Traverse Legal's Enrico Schaefer is an internet and technology lawyer who specializes in cybersquatting and domain name infringement. Mr. Schaefer has handled ACPA and UDRP cases involving thousands of domain names, representing both trademark registrants against cybersquatters and on behalf of domain registrants facing claims of trademark infringement and cybersquatting. Domain names can be valuable property. In this radio interview, Mr. Schaefer talks about the importance of protecting your domain name against domain hijackers, domain theft, cybersquatters and even your own employees and partners. Stolen domain names are becoming more common all the time. If you don't protect your domain name from infringement or theft, you may find yourself without a website tomorrow.
Today’s program is brought to you by the attorneys at Traverse Legal, PLC, a global law firm specializing in Internet law, Trademark infringement, Copyright Infringement, Cybersquatting, Online Defamation, Non-Compete & Trade Secret Law and Complex litigation. If you have a legal matter arising on the web, contact one of Traverse Legal’s internet lawyers today.
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