How to protect yourself from Cybersquatters - Business Web Site Marketing Talk
There are a few simple steps you can take to make sure that you secure your new company domain:
- Register your trademarks with the US Trademark office,
- Register any typo names to be safe,
- Consider using a trademark watch service that will alert you of potential violations,
- Always enforce your trademarks online and off line,
- Understand the Anticybersquatting Piracy Act and the Lanham Act in order to understand your trademark right options,
- Get the help of a experienced attorney that is familiar with Trademarks, the UPTSO, ACPA and experienced in responding quickly to violators no matter where they are in the world.
Cybersquatting on the internet is always in flux. Typosquating is one form of cyber-squatting that continues to get worse. An attack on brand on the internet must be addressed or your trademark rights may suffer.
Posted by: Attorney Enrico Schaefer | 2008.03.24 at 08:30 PM
What is the best resource for me to understand domain name law before I contact an attorney? This site is great. Should I be looking at anything else?
Posted by: Domain Name Law | 2008.03.24 at 08:27 PM
Is internet cybersquatting getting better or worse? Stolen domain names seem to be increasing in frequency...
Posted by: Internet cybersquatting | 2008.03.24 at 08:26 PM
What is the first step to recover a stolen domain name? Is it a threat letter, cease and desist letter or right to a UDRP lawyer?
Posted by: Recover stolen domain | 2008.03.24 at 08:24 PM
It all starts, and ends for that matter, with the trademark. While a trademark registration with the USPTO is not required, it makes asserting claims of cybersquatting and trademark infringement that much stronger and easier.
Posted by: Brian | 2008.02.13 at 05:06 PM