Cybersquatting & Domain Dispute Lawyer Attorney Law Firm - Domain Name Dispute Lawyers: Another Cybersquatting Victory

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The entire deal about buying and selling domain names is purely coincidental an comes at each new domain owner as a strike of luck or a simple moment of inspiration.
Truth is choosing your domain properly will help tremendously in your website and business positioning.
Go to to find the right one for you.

Make your domain name count !

If I buy a domain name through GoDaddy and they sell it to me,eventhough there is a company that has trademark for that name then its GoDaddy’s fault not mine biatch! I m surprised they are still in business if this was that serious! As far as domain names and trademarks: Who gives a crap? If its available, buy it through any ICANN registered company and don t worry about it. It ’s all about making money! Big companies f**k everyone to make a profit so it s time to f**k them as well. You want your f**king domain name, it ll cost you a**hole! First come first serve!Bring it b**ches!

My above domain name has been transferred and sold at aution without my consent. I cancelled my contract with: and was in the process of cchoosing another host etc to transfer my domain to. I have tried to do this and found someone who ive never heard of is hosting it and the domain is up for sale on this site???
I cant believe this as this is our webdomain for our limited company Limited. I have contacted 1and1 and they say its been transferred but not by them??? Is there anything I can do.

Kind regards

A Whitehouse
Director Ltd

Yah! Thanks for the info... As a developer, I really really dislike squatters. They have been sitting on my name and my company name and don't have anything up... Luckily for me I got a couple tricks up my sleeve and they aren't on auto-renewal..

Domain name rights are governed by trademark law. Don't be a cybersquatter because you did not understand trademarks. I contacted an domain name dispute attorney and was able to make smart decisions as a result.

Greaat blog all about cybersquatting, the Uniform Domain Dispute Policy and trademark issues. Thanks!

Domain name law typically breaks down into two areas, the UDRP and ACPA. Domain disputes are generally resolved under one of these two internet law schemes.

Don't forget that trademarks are the most import aspect of domain name registration. Domain disputes usually involve trademark rights. Make sure your domain is free of trademark problems before you register.

Finding a good internet lawyer for domain name disputes is important. Domain names are valuable and you need to protect your assets. While you can try to handle things yourself, once false move or mistake and you could end up going backwards fast.

Hiring a good experienced domain name attorney is key. There are a lot of decisions and nuances to domain dispute law. Cybersquatting is simple on the service, but complex in its application. Some disputes are 'slam dunk' arbitrations. But even simple ones can get complex when the Respondent throws a wrench in the gears in their response document to a UDRP arbitration.

Domain name theft happens all the time. Whether cybersquatting theft or outright hacking of email accounts, domain registrants need to be aware of the risk of domain theft. Domain names are valuable intellectual property.Companies need to protect their on-line assets better.

Domain name law is international in scope under the UDRP. That means that the same set of domain name dispute laws govern everyone. Whether you are in the UK or China, your trademark rights can retrieve a stolen or infringing domain name.

Domain name disputes can occur because a domain is stolen, domain piracy, domain fraud or domain theft. Disputes can occur at the registrar level or internally when employees or web hosts/ web developers refuse to provide domain name registrant account information. Cybersquating and typo squatting are teh obvious domain disputes. Domains are valuable propoerty. They need to be more aggressively protected.

Hi, interesting blog. Thanks for the read! Oh, by the way, I came across another interesting blog post at:
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As a web-designer, stories like these always touch a deep nerve with me... thanks for the info I will bookmark the link of that lawyer....

Thanks for the info.

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