We have several internet law attorneys from our office who specialize in UDRP proceedings. We recently won a National Arbitration Forum decision where a religious group registered the domain name of my client specifically to preclude registration by another religious group.
Complainant, Gospel for Asia (GFA), is a nonprofit missionary organization which provides services concerning missionary activities in Asia via books, audiotapes, periodicals and other media. Respondent registered the the domain names after GFA was using the names in commerce. Respondent has made no original use of the domain names since registration.
Traverse Legal cybersquatting specialists were able to establish trademark rights by our client in the suject domain name, Respondents lack of legitimate use rights in the domain name and bad faith registration and use of the domain name by the Respondent
The Panel found that the domain names were identical to Complainant’s mark, that Respondent did not have rights or legitimate interests in the domain names. The Panel further found that Respondent registered and used the disputed domain names in bad faith. The domain names registrations were involuntarily transferred to my clinet, the rightful domain owner.
Click here to read the decision.