You have spent thousands of dollars and likely hundreds of hours developing your web site. It always makes sense to spend the $30.00 copyright registration fee in order to protect your content. Copyrighting your web site creates a public record of your work. If anyone infringes on your web site's intellectual property, you are in a position to sue for copyright infringement. However, you must register with the copyright office.
Some of the benefits of copyright registration would permit the copyright holder to seek for your web site are as follows: Statutory damages in addition to actual damages in amounts up to $30,000.00 plus attorney fees for the infringement. A willful infringer is subject to statutory damages in the amount of $150,000.00. Often, it is difficult to prove actual damages, however, if you timely register your web site with the copyright office, you will be entitled to statutory damages plus attorney fees. Registration affords you leverage with the infringer in an infringement situation to demand fair compensation for the infringement if the infringer knows that you have registered your web site and the copyright infringer may be subject to statutory damages and attorney fees. Registering your web site with the copyright office provides a significant disincentive for an infringer to maintain a display of infringing content if they are advised that the will be liable for statutory damages and attorney fees. The nominal cost of obtaining a copyright registration for your web site could pay significant dividends for you in the event of an infringement.
If you have any questions concerning the intellecutal property of your web site,
contact a qualified copyright infringement attorney with Traverse Legal to protect your rights.