We are all aware that it is easy to cut and paste both content as well as photographs from the internet to personal documents as well as other locations on the internet. Photograph and image owners, and artists, should consider copyright registration for their works, especially if those works appear on the internet. Timely copyright registration will afford you the benefit of statutory damages and attorney fees from a copyright infringer in the event that your works are stolen and appear in an authorized location on the internet or any other location. Consistent with the Traverse Legal promotion of technology in its legal practice, you should consider the use of technology to protect your images on the internet. Digimarc is a company that provides watermarking solutions that protect and provide you the power to control your images on the internet. Watermarking allows you to search for and track your watermarked images on the internet to detect infringers and to identify the source of an infringement. Traverse Legal is experienced in locating and representing artists and photographers against copyright infringement on the internet.
Contact Traverse Legal to discuss copyrighting your images and artwork or for discussing protection against copyright infringers of your works.
This looks like a great service, and long overdue I can think of a few customers that will want to look at this. Can you tell me, what happens to the watermark if the resolution of the image is reduced or increased?
Posted by: Michael Roberts Anonymous Blogger bounty hunter | July 06, 2010 at 02:05 AM