As ironic as it may sound, a trial lawyer versed in copyright law may be the exact representation needed in order to avoid copyright litigation. The fact of the matter is that if you are looking to enforce your copyright, there may be alternatives to doing so short of litigation. Inherent in these opportunities are benefits that may include cost savings, avoidance of risk, and other perks. Likewise, should you be threatened with a lawsuit, a copyright lawyer may be able to identify the defenses necessary early on to avoid copyright litigation. Moreover, if you have already been named a defendant in a copyright lawsuit, a trial attorney with particular knowledge of copyright law may be able to shorten the litigation, identify possible exit strategies, or ultimately provide the ability to resolve the litigation in your favor.
Simply put, just because you are not involved in a intellectual property lawsuit does not mean you could not benefit from the services of a copyright lawyer. As a relatively specialized area of law requiring expertise in several areas, a copyright attorney who has both trial experience and the skills and knowledge of copyright law’s intricacies can provide great value. While everyone always wants a litigation attorney once litigation arises, you may be best served protecting your copyright, along with your financial and legal exposure, with the aid of a copyright trial lawyer.