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June 25, 2008


E-commerce web contracts are critically important to any online business whether big or small. The last thing you want to do is bet the farm because you failed to address warranties, limitations of liability, venue, limitation of damages, use of personal information or other things that show up in the website agreement contract terms. The 1st thing a lawyer will do when looking at suing the website operator is review the terms of service, privacy agreement and other website contract terms. Even when your website agreement limits the web visitors legal rights, Internet lawyers will sometimes argue that the terms of service or privacy agreement terms don't apply. These website and e-commerce agreements need to be well drafted and well implemented.

ecommerce on the web is everything. If you can't take money from your customers through an e-commerce platform, you are at a significant competitive disadvantage. The web really is won with e-commerce. A good terms of service or terms of use click wrap agreement with your consumers is important to any web based e-commerce platform. An e-commerce attorney is instrumental to your overall web presence. He or she can help you make sure that you are providing the right privacy agreement with your customers when you take money through your e-commerce platform.

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